Friday, December 6, 2019

Radiology best flash Example For Students

Radiology best flash The best way to visualize a small left sided pneumothorax is a. Right lateral b. Left lateral c. Right lateral decubitus d. Left lateral decubitus Pneumothorax is best demonstrated by taking a radiograph, with the patient in a. Inspiration b. Full inspiration c. Expiration d. Prone Minimal pleural effusion is best detected by x-ray view a. AP b. PA c. Oblique d. Lateral The best view of the chest to show minimal pleural effusion is a. PA view b. AP view c. Lateral decubitus view d. Oblique view Best view to diagnose minimal amount of fluid in pleural space a. AP view b. PA view c. Apical view d. Lateral decubitus view The chest X-ray viewbest suited for pleural effusion detection is a. AP view b. PA view c. Lateral decubitus view d. Lateral view The best view to visualize a right pleural effusion in chest X-ray is a. Right lateral b. Left lateral c. Right lateral decubitus d. Left lateral decubitus A patient presents with minimal pleural effusion on the right side. The best method to detect this would be a. Right side chest X-ray b. Left side chest X-ray c. Left lateral decubitus chest X-ray d. Right lateral decubitus chest X-ray All the following calcify except a. Medulloblastoma b. Ependymoma c. Oligodendroglioma d. Meningioma The earliest USG finding in pregnancy is a. Gestational sac b. Fetal cardiac activity c. Placenta d. Fundal thickening Half-life of 99m Tc is a. 2 hours b. 4 hours c. 6 hours d. 8 hours Which of the following is a naturally occurring radioactive substance in the body found in small quantities a. Radium 226 b. Bismuth 50 c. Iodine 131 d. Potassium 40 Residual mediastinal and retroperitoneal lymphoma is assessed by a. Bipedal lymphangiogram b. Technetium 99m pyrophosphate scans c. Restaging procedure d. Gallium scan Atomic number corresponds to a. Number of protons b. Number of electrons c. Number of neutrons d. Electrons + Protons Bilateral spider leg sign in IVP is indicative of a. Renal stones b. Hypernephroma c. Hydronephrosis d. Polycystic kidney Calcification of meniscal cartilage is a feature of a. Psedugout b. Reiters syndrome c. Hyperparathyroidism d. Acromegaly Ideal imaging method to diagnose hydrocephalus in infant is a. MRI b. USG c. CT scan d. Plain X-ray a. Open fontanelle Neurosonography of neonates is preferred over CT scan because a. Open fontanelle b. Inexpensive c. Children more cooperative d. Better resolution Excretory urography should be catiously performed in a. Leukemia b. Neuroblastoma c. Bone secondaries d. Multiple myeloma IVP is contraindicated in a. Multiple myeloma b. Kidney stones c. Transplanted kidney d. Renal cyst Most important investigation for pericardial effusion is a. Lateral view of Xray-chest b. Echocardiography c. USG d. Cardiac catheterization Best method for diagnosing pericardial effusion is a. Echocardiography b. Gallium scan c. Angiography d. USG c. Sturge weber syndrome Tram line calcification is seen in a. Ependymoma b. Thrombosed cerebral veins c. Sturge weber syndrome d. Meningioma Tram track appearance on X-ray of the hand is seen in a. Sturge-weber syndrome b. Von-hippel lindau disease c. Tuberous sclerosis d. Neurofibroma Which one of the following is the contrast used in MRI scan a. Iodine b. Gadolinium c. Rose Bengal d. Strontium Answer: All of them have egg shell calcificatoin A helpful mnemonic for major causes of eggshell calcification in the thorax and mediastinum is: A Silly Cool Sergeant Likes His Tubercular Blast Mnemonic A: amyloidosis S: Silicosis C: Coal workers pneumoconiosis (CWP) S: Sarcoidosis L: Lymphoma: (postirradiation Hodgkin disease) H: Histoplasmosis (e.g. pulmonary histoplasmosis) T: Tuberculosis B: Blastomycosis (e.g. pulmonary blastomycosis) Egg shell calcification is seen in a. Silicosis b. Sarcoidosis c. Tuberculosis d. Histoplasmosis d. Thumb print appearance Radiologic sign characteristic of ischemic colitis is a. Inverted 3 appearance b. Cobra head sign c. Craggy popcorn appearance d. Thumb print appearance c. Thumb printing Radiological feature of ischemic colitis is a. Saw tooth appearance b. Nose pipe appearance c. Thumb printing d. Cobble stone appearance c. 5.7 Half life of cobalt-60 is ___ years. a. 2-3 b. 1.2 c. 5.7 d. 3.4 c. Gamma rays Radioactive cobalt emits a. Neutrons b. Alpha rays c. Gamma rays d. Beta rays c. 270 days The half life of Co-57 is a. 2.6 years b. 5.2 years c. 270 days d. 3200 years b. CT Which of the following investigations are to be done for the diagnosis of carcinoma head of pancreas a. Pelvic X-ray abdomen b. CT c. USG d. Hypotonic duodenography c. CT scan Best diagnosis for pancreatic disease a. PTC b. ERCP c. CT scan d. USG c. CT scan Most sensitive investigation of pancreatic carcinoma is a. Angiography b. ERCP c. CT scan d. Ultrasound d. Milkmans pseudofracture Loosers zone is characteristic of a. Hyperparathyroidism b. Scurvy c. Hypoparathyroidism d. Milkmans pseudofracture d. Osteomalacia Milkmans pseudofractures These lesions are composed of poorly mineralized osteoid matrix and are not true fractures or stress fractures. It appears as a thin, translucent band, about 2 mm in width, which runs perpendicular to the surface of the bone extending from the cortex inwards. They are oriented perpendicular to the long axis of the bone, and do not cross the entire bone. It represents insufficiency fractures through unmineralized osteoid in patients with osteomalacia. Common sites include axillary margins of the scapulae, ribs, pubic rami, proximal femurs, proximal ulnae and proximal humerus. Similar changes radiographically may be seen in Pagets disease; however, they are only seen in involved bone and are not generalized. In addition, the lines in Pagets occur on the convex side of the bone(tensile aspect) while in osteomalacia they occur on the concave side (compressive aspect). The lines in Pagets represent insufficiency fractures. Read more: 1. 2. Pseudofracture or loosers zone is seen in a. Vitamin C deficiency b. Thyroiditis c. Osteoporosis d. Osteomalacia d. 2 D echocardiography Best investigation for cardiac tamponade is a. M mode ECG b. USG c. Real time ECG d. 2 D echocardiography c. 8 days Half life of I-131 is a. 10 days b. 4 days c. 8 days d. 4 hours c. 99m Tc DTPA Renal GRF can be estimated by a. 99m TC + 121 Gallium b. 99m Tc DMSA c. 99m Tc DTPA d. 99m Tc DMSA c. 5 rads Safe maximum dose of radiation per year in human being is a. 20 rads b. 10 rads c. 5 rads d. 1 rad Kerley B lines are seen when pulmonary venous pressure is a. 5 mm Hg b. 10 mmHg c. 22 mm Hg d. 40 mm Hg d. Bronchoalveolar carcinoma Pulmonary kerley B-lines are seen in all the following except a. Pulmonary edema b. Mitral valve disease c. Interstitial fibrosis d. Bronchoalveolar carcinoma c. Intracranial metallic aneurysm clips Contraindication for the user of NMR imaging is a. Psychotic patients b. Patients on lithium c. Intracranial metallic aneurysm clips d. Patients receiving radiotherapy c. MRI scan Radiation exposure does not occur in a. Plain X-ray b. Fluoroscopy c. MRI scan d. CT scan Which is not mutagenic a. Ultraviolet rays b. Beta rays c. X-ray d. Ultrasound Investigation of choice for subarachnoid hemorrhage is a. Angiography b. CT scan c. Enhanced MRI d. MRI Noninvasive procedure for CVA is a. EEG b. Echoencephalography c. Angiography d. CT scan d. Anencephaly Congenital malformation that can be detected earliest on USG a. Down syndrome b. Sacral agenesis c. Hydrocephalus d. Anencephaly b. Lateral view Best view for visualizing sella turcica on X-ray is a. AP view b. Lateral view c. Open mouth view d. Dorsal view c. Se-75 In pancreatic scanning, isotope most commonly used is a. I-131 b. Tc-99 c. Se-75 d. Cr-51 a. Splenic disease Technetium labelled red cells are used in a. Splenic disease b. Pulmonary embolism c. Renal disease d. Biliary tree a. Ventilation perfusion scan Gold standard for pulmonary embolism is a. Ventilation perfusion scan b. Contrast MRI c. MRI d. CT a. Ventilation perfusion scan In pulmonary embolism the investigation of choice is a. Ventilation perfusion scan b. Contrast MRI c. MRI d. CT b. Ventilation perfusion scan Pulmonary embolism is best diagnosed by a. CT scan b. Ventilation perfusion scan c. USG d. X-ray chest PA view a. G2M stage Radiosensitive stage is a. G2M stage b. G2 stage c. G1 stage d. S phase c. Hamartoma Popcorn calcification: A cluster of sharply defined, irregularly lobulated, amorphous calcifications often with rings and arcs that resemble popped corn kernels. Usually seen in a pulmonary nodule Popcorn calcifications within a well circumscribed pulmonary nodule are highly suggestive of pulmonary chondroid hamartoma. This type of calcification may be seen in many radiological settings including: a. Chondroid lesions (e.g enchondroma, chondrosarcoma) b. Fibrous dysplasia c. Pulmonary hamartomas d. Degenerating fibroadenomas of the breast They are also seen in metaphyses and epiphyses of long bones of children with osteogenesis imperfecta. Read more: 1.;task=viewsection;pi=121234;ti=406237;searchkey= 2. 3. Popcorn calcificatoin is seen in a. Tuberculosis b. Carcinoid c. Hamartoma d. Teratoma c. Hamartoma Popcorn calcification in lung is virtually diagnostic of a. Tuberculoma b. Carcinoid c. Hamartoma d. Teratoma c. CT scan (HRCT) Best method of detecting minimal bronchiectasis is a. Chest X-ray b. Radionuclide lung scan c. CT scan (HRCT) d. Bronchography b. Bronchography In bronchiectasis the investigation of choice is a. USG b. Bronchography c. Bronchoscopy d. X-ray c. Driven snow appearance Pindborg tumor: Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor On radiographs, it appears as a radiolucency (dark area) and is known for sometimes having small radiopacities (white areas) within it. In those instances, it is described as having a driven-snow appearance. Microscopically, there are deposits of amyloid-like material. Which of the following is seen in Pindborg tumo a. Sunray appearance b. Onion peel appearance c. Driven snow appearance d. Cherry Blossom appearance @ Punched out lucencies without surrounding osteosclerosis are the characteristic lesions seen on plain radiographs of the skull in the patient with disseminated myeloma. In primary hyperparathyroidism, extensive resorption bone in the skull in combination with cystic areas of osteopenia are termed pepper pot skull. 1. 2. Multiple punched out lytic lesions in X-ray are seen in a. Eosinophilic granuloma b. Multiple myeloma c. Craniopharyngioma d. Pagets disease Dilatation of pancreatic side branches is more apparent on MRI than CT and may cause the so called string of pearls or chain of lakes appearance on MRCP. See more at: Case Analysis Insubordination Essay Unit of one dose of radiation absorbed is: a. Gray b. Roentgen c. Curie d. Becquerel In aortic dissection the investigation of choice is: a. ECG b. Aortagraphy c. CT scan d. MRI scan Estimation of fetal maturity by biparietal sonic measurement at 20-28 weeks of gestation is accurate to within +/-: a. days b. 14 days c. 10 days d. 20 days Investigation of choice for acute subarachnoid hemorrhage: a. Enhanced MRI b. MRI c. CT scan d. Angiography Diagnostic of rickets on X-ray is: a. White line of Frankel b. Epiphyseal widening c. Periosteal elevation d. Cupping and flaring A characteristic of benign tumor of lung in X-ray is: a. Size 5 cm diameter b. Peripheral location c. Cavitation d. Calcification The following is a radiolucent renal stone: a. Cystine b. Calcium phosphate c. Uric acid d. Calcium oxalate Fish mouth vertebra occurs in the: a. Osteogenesis imperfecta b. Ehler-Danlos syndrome c. Gauchers disease d. Marfans syndrome Coffee bean sign indicates: a. Toxic megacolon b. Volvulus of cecum c. Strangulation of incompletely odstructed loop of small bowel d. Mesenteric artery embolism Chickenpox pneumonia is characterized by: a. Nodular infiltrate b. Basilar infiltrate c. Pulmonary edema d. Linear pattern Candle wax appearance is seen in: a. Osteogenesis imperfecta b. Meloorheostosis c. Diaphyseal dysplasia d. Exoxtosis Primary anomaly in Klippel-Fell syndrome is: a. Torticolitis b. Fusion c. Absence d. Segmentation Loss of lamina dura is observed in: a. Cushings disease b. Legg-Calve-Perthes disease c. Hyperparathyroidism d. Osteoporesis Hamman-Rich syndrome is: a. Fibrosing alveolitis b. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis c. Recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax d. Central mediastinal adenopathy Batwing pattern of pulmonary edema is typical of: a. Renal failure b. CCF c. ILD d. Sarcoidosis Differential diagnosis of honeycomb lung includes: a. Eosinophilic granuloma b. Sarcoidosis c. Both d. None Pancoast tumor is most commonly due to which cell type: a. Squamous b. Columnar c. Adenocarcinoma d. pseudo-stratified Ulcer crater on barium X-ray examination indicates the diagnosis of : a. Gastric carcinoma b. Duodenal ulcer c. Duodenal diverticulum d. Duodenal stricture Best diagnostic modality for subphrenic abscess is: a. Plain X-ray b. Ultrasound c. CT scan d. Diagnostic laparotomy Lateral source of neutrons for radiotherapy is: a. Strontium 90 b. Iodine 131 c. Californium 252 d. Radium 226 Terminal phalangeal sclerosis is associated with: a. Rheumatoid arthritis b. Normal variation c. Sarcoidosis d. All of the above Round, smooth, slightly lobulated peripheral opacity in the lung with calcification is a feature of: a. Hamartoma b. Hydatid cyst c. Amoebic abscess d. Carcinoma lung Wimberger,s ring is seen in: a. Scurvy b. Rickets c. Osteomalacia d. Osteoporesis Brachytherapy means: a. Irradaiation by radiopharmaceuticals b. Irradiation of tissue at 3 cm from the surface c. Irradiation of tissue by placing radioactive sources into the tissue d. Irradiation of tissue from a distance Type of radiation used in radiotherapy is: a. Photons b. Infrared rays c. Ionizing radiation d. UV rays Which of the following is provided by linear accelerator: a. Infrared rays b. Neutrons c. Electrons d. Protons Atomic weight is equal to the number of: a. Neutrons b. Protons and neutrons c. Electrons d. Protons Normal metacarpel index is: a. 10.4 b. 5.4 c. 5.4-7.9 d. 8.4-10.4 Tear drop sign is seen in: a. Posterior cranial fossa b. Maxillary sinus c. Zygoma fracture d. Blow-out fracture of orbit Which of the following is differential diagnosis for miliary shadow in chet X-ray: a. Tuberculosis b. Pulmonary siderosis c. Histoplasmosis d. All of the above Figure of 8 features are seen in which of the following: a. TOF b. Abnormal origin of aorta c. TAPVC d. Partial APVC Best conductor of electricity is: a. Diamond b. Coke c. Coal d. Graphite Which of the following is a characteristic radiological finding in neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis: a. Gas in the portal system b. Gas in the intestinal wall c. Pneumopritoneum d. Air fluid levels In the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma one of the following radionuclide scan is useful: a. MIBG scan b. MIDA scan c. DTPA scan d. DMSA scan Radiological investigation in female of reproductive age should be restricted to: a. First 10 days of menstrual cycle b. Period of menstruation c. 10-20th day of the cycle d. Last 10 days of the cycle Percentage of cold thyroid nodule likely to be malignant is: a. 72% b. 20% c. 40% d. 30% The test , which is both sensitive and specific for diagnosis of renal artery hypertension is: a. Captopril-enhanced radionucleotide renal scan b. Angiography c. CT d. MRI Stereotactic radiosurgery is a form of: a. Radiotherapy b. Radio-iodine therapy c. Robotic surgery d. Cryosurgery Which one of the following radioisotope is commonly used as a source for external beam radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer patients? a. Strontium-89 b. Radium-226 c. Cobalt-59 d. Cobalt-60 Bracket calcification of skull in X-ray is seen in: a. Meningioma b. Sturge-Weber syndrome c. Corpus callosum lipoma d. Tuberous sclerosis A male patient presents with abdominal pain and distention. On barium enema examination, there is a birds beak deformity. Which of the following is the likely diagnosis? a. Intussusception b. Volvulus of the sigmoid colon c. Enteric perforation d. Crohns disease Thickness of lead apron to prevent radiation is: a. 0.5 mm b. 7 mm c. 3 mm d. 1 mm A young patient presents with history of dysphasia more to liquids than solids. The first investigation you will do is: a. Barium swallow b. Esophagoscopy c. Ultrasound of the chest d. CT scan of the chest Fraying and cupping of metaphyses of long bones in an child does not occur in: a. Rickets b. Lead poisoning c. Metaphyseal dysplasia d. Hypophosphatasia High resolution computed tomography of the chest is the ideal modality for evaluating: a. Pleural effusion b. Interstitial lung disease c. Lung mass d. Mediastinal adenopathy Extensive pleural thickening and calcification especially involving the diaphragmatic pleura are classical features of: a. Coal workers pneumoconiosis b. Asbestosis c. Silicosis d. siderosis Modality of choice for detection of acute subarachnoid hemorrhage is: a. MRI b. X-ray computed tomography c. USG d. Plain X-ray of skull A 40 year old man presented with acute episode of GI bleeding. Initial management was given for 6 hours. Which is important procedure for diagnosis is: a. Radiolabeled RBC b. Barium meal c. Endoscopy d. USG A patient has ARF but normal USG report. Next most useful investigation is: a. DTPA scan b. IV pyelography c. Retrograde pyelography d. Renal angiography Which of the following isotopes is used to assess renal function? a. DTPA b. DMSA c. Gallium d. Thallium Impaired renal function is assessed by: a. MAGS b. Iodihippurate c. DMSA scan d. DTPA A patient has renal call carcinoma with thrombus in IVC and renal vein. Best investigation for diagnosis is: a. IVP b. Color Doppler imaging c. CT scan d. Angiography A young girl presented with pain in chest. Pain is not associated with exercise. On auscultation there was multiple non-ejection clicks with murmur. Most important investigation for diagnosis is: a. ECG b. Tc pyrophosphate scan c. Thallium scan d. EEG A 50 year old man who is a chronic smoker presents with single lymph node enlargement and hoarseness of voice. Next investigation should be: a. FNAC b. IDL with chest X-ray c. Percutaneous biopsy d. Advise him to stop smoking In aortic dissection the investigation of choice is: a. Digital segmental angiography b. MRI c. CT scan d. USG At birth first paranasal sinus to develop is: a. Sphenoid b. Frontal c. Maxillary d. Ethmoidal An8 year old boy presents with back pain and mild fever. His plain X-ray of the dorsolumbar vertebra with preserved disc spaces. There was no associated soft tissue shadow. The most likely diagnosis is: a. Ewings sarcoma b. Tuberculosis c. HIstocytosis d. Metastasis Which one of the following is a recognized X-ray feature of rheumatoid arthritis? a. Juxta-articular osteosclerosis b. Sacroilitis c. Bone erosions d. Peri-articular calcification All of the following are X-ray features of rheumatoid arthritis except: a. Soft tissue swelling b. Osteoporosis c. Periosteal new bone formation d. Bony erosions Which of the following is the best choice to radiological evaluation of a posterior fossa tumor? a. CT scan b. MRI c. Angiography d. Myelography Treatment of carcinoma thyroid using radioactive iodine is: a. I ¹Ã‚ ³Ã‚ ¹ b. I ¹Ã‚ ²? c. I ¹Ã‚ ³Ã‚ ³ d. I ¹ Most suitable radioisotope of iodine for treating hyperthyroidism is: a. I ¹Ã‚ ²Ã‚ ³ b. I ¹Ã‚ ²? c. I ¹Ã‚ ³Ã‚ ¹ d. I ¹Ã‚ ³Ã‚ ² Radioiodine is not used in the treatment of which of the following: a. Anaplastic carcinoma b. Follicular carcinoma c. Medullary carcinoma d. Papillary carcinoma Non-caseating granulomas are seen in all the following except: a. Tuberculosis b. Byssinosis c. Hodgkins lymphoma d. Metastatic carcinoma of lung Pleural involvement in sarcoidosis is: a. Unilateral b. Bilateral c. Very common d. Very rare X-rays are produced when: a. Electron beam strikes the nucleus of the atom b.Electron beam strikes the anode c. Electron beam reacts with the electromagnetic field d. Electron beam strikes the cathode For the treatment of deep-seated tumors, the following rays are used: a. X-rays and gamma rays b. Alpha rays and beta rays c. Electrons and prositrons d. High power laser beam Ionization radiation act on tissue depending upon: a. Thermal injury b. Formation at pyrimidine dimmers c. Excitation of electron from orbit d. Linear acceleration energy Principle used in radiotherapy is: a. Low dose causes tissue necrosis b. DNA damage c. Ionizing the molecule d. Cytoplasmic coagulation The maximum penetration among the following is seen with which ray: a. Alpha b. Beta c. Gamma d. Electron beam Which of the following has the maximum penetrating power? a. Alpha rays b. Beta rays c. Gamma rays d. Electron beam Characteristic finding in CT-scan of a TBM case is: a. Exudates seen in basal cistem b. Hydrocephalus is commonly seen c. Ventriculitis d. Calcification of cerebellum What is the diagnostic radiological finding in skeleton fluorosis? a. Sclerosis of sacroiliac joint b. Interosseous membrane ossification c. Osteosclerosis of vertebral body d. Ossification of ligaments of knee joint On CT-scan, all are seen as hypodense area except: a. Cerebral hemorrhage b. Glioblastoma c. Cerebral edema d. Cerebral infract Pneumoperitoneum can be used to visualize peritoneal/retroperitoneal structures. The gas that is best for use in pneumoperitoneum is? a. Oxygen b. Nitrogen c. CO? d. N?O Investigation of choice to demonstrate vesicoureteral reflex is: a. Cystoscopy b. IVP c. Contrast MCU d. Isotope cystogram Radiation therapy is given to a carcinoma patient. After 2 days the most common skin manifestation is: a. Dermatitis b. Hyperpigmentation c. Atopy d. Erythema Earliest skin change noticed after irradiation is: a. Erythema b. Hyperpigmentation c. Ulceration d. Dryness Most common presentation of radiation carditis is: a. Pyogenic pericarditis b. Myocardial fibrosis c. Atheromatous plaques d. Pericardial effusion Best diagnostic test for deep vein thrombosis is: a. MRI b. Venography c. Impendence phlebography d. Duplex USG X-ray chest with reticular pattern, air bronchogram sign is seen in: a. Septicemia b. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia c. Pulmonary hypertension d. Respiratory distress syndrome Intracavitary radiation is given in: a. Oral cavity carcinoma b. Esophageal carcinoma c. Lung carcinoma d. Cervix carcinoma On X-ray all the following renal calculi can be seen except: a. Calcium oxalate b. Triple phosphate c. Uric acid d. Cystine stones In bone-scan, hot spots are seen in all the following except: a. Osteoblastic metastasis b. Multiple myeloma c. Osteomyelitis d. Bony lesions of hyperthyroidism In a patient with solitary nodule of thyroid, investigation of choice is: a. FNAC b. USG c. CT d. Radioisotope scan Which of the following is the most radiosensitive phase of cell cycle? a. G? b. S c. G? d. M MRI rooms are shielded completely by a continuous sheet or wire mesh of copper or aluminium to shield the image from external electromagnetic radiations, etc., it is called: a. Maxwell cage b. Faraday cage c. Edisons cage d. Ohms cage A 45 year old coal mine worker presents with: a. Sjogrens syndrome b. Caplans syndrome c. Silicosis d. Wegeneers granulomatosis A patient is suspected to have vestibular schwannoma, the investigation of choice for its diagnosis is: a. Contrast enhanced CT scan b. PET Scan c. SPECT d. Gadolinium enhanced MRI In which of the folowing, a Coer-en-Sabot shape of the heart is seen? a. Tricuspid atresia b. Tetralogy of fallot c. Transposition of great arteries d. VSD In scurvy all of the following radiological signs are seen except: a. Zone of demarcation near epicnysis b. Soap bubble appearance c. Frenkels line d. Pelican spur A 50 year old smoker male presents with pain along the left arm and ptosis: a. Adenocarcinoma lung b. Bronchial carcinoid c. Pancoasts tumor d. Bronchoalveolar carcinoma Sunray appearance on X-ray is suggestive of: a. A chondrosarcoma b. A metastatic tumor in the bone c. An osteogenic sarcoma d. An Ewings sarcoma The investigation of choice for imaging of urinary tract tuberculosis is: a. Plain X-ray b. IV urography c. USG d. CT Which of the following technique uses piezoelectric crystals? a. USG b. NMR imaging c. X-ray diffraction d. Xeroradiography In which of the following conditions the lead pipe appearance of the colon on a barium enema is seen? a. Amebiasis b. Ulcerative colitis c. Tuberculosis of colon d. Crohns involvement of the colon The EEG cabins should be completely shielded by a continuous sheet of wire mesh of copper to avoid the picking up of noise from external electromagnetic disturbances. Such a shielding is called as: a. Maxwell cage b. Faraday cage c. Edisons cage d. Ohms cage The technique employed in radiotherapy to counteract the effect of tumor motion due to breathing is known as: a. Arc technique b. Modulation c. Gating d. Shunting Gamma camera in Nuclear medicine is used for: a. Organ imaging b. Measuring the radioactivity c. Monitoring the surface contamination d. RIA In which one of the following conditions, the sialography is contraindicated: a. Ductal calculus b. Chronic parotitis c. Acute parotitis d. Recurrent sialadenitis Which of the following ultrasound marker is associated with greatest increased risk for trisomy 21 in fetus? a. Echogenic foci in heat b. Hyperechogenic bowel c. Choroid plexus cysts d. Nuchal edema In CT, the attenuation values are measured in Hounsfield units (HU). An attenuation value of 0(zero) HU corresponds to: a. Water b. Air c. Very dense bone structures d. Fat The most sensitive imaging modality for diagnosing ureteric stones in a patient with acute colic is: a. X-ray KUB region b. Ultrasonogram c. Non contrast CT scan of the abdomen d. Contrast enhanced CT scan of the abdomen Which of the following is the investigation of choice for assessment of depth of penetration and perirectal nodes in rectal cancer? a. Transrectal USG b. CT scan of pelvis c. MRI d. Double contrast barium enema

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